Having domestic bank accounts up and running can make for a smoother adjustment to university. As an international student, having U.S. checking, savings and credit card accounts can help you eliminate foreign transaction fees and gain convenient ways to pay for books, food, rent and other essentials. You’ll also be on your way to building a credit history, which may make it easier to borrow money in the future.
With our $0 Liability Guarantee, you'll get peace of mind knowing you're not responsible for unauthorized transactions made by others using your Bank of America debit card when reported promptly.4 You can also deposit checks from almost anywhere with the Bank of America Mobile Banking app on your smartphone or tablet.5 Plus, you’ll be able to earn cash back with BankAmeriDeals®6 at select restaurants and stores when you pay with your eligible Bank of America debit or credit card.
Bank of America has many financial centers and ATMs conveniently located throughout the U.S. You can find a financial center and ATM by using our locator page below:
English link: https://locators.bankofamerica.com
Spanish link: https://es-locators.bankofamerica.com